Beispiel für eine Phishing-Email vom Typ HTML.Phishing.Card-32

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    <strong>Dear PayPal Member</strong>,<br>
<br>During our regularly schedule account maintenance and verification we have detected a slight error in your billing information on file with PayPal.<br> This might be due to either following reasons:
<br>- A recent change in your personal information (i.e. change of address)
<br>- Submitting invalid information during the initial sign up process.
<br>- An inability to accurately verify your selected option of payment due an internal error within
our processors.
<br>Therefore your account has been temporarily suspended. We need you to 
confirm your identity in
order to regain full privileges of your account.<br><br>
If this is not completed by <strong>July 24, 2006</strong>, we reserve
the right to terminate all privileges of your account
indefinitly, as it may have been used for fraudulent purposes. We thank
you for your cooperation in this manner.<br>
To confirm your identity please follow the link below:<br>
Thank you for your patience in this matter.
PayPal - Customer Service
Please do not reply to this e-mail as this is only a notification. Mail
sent to this address cannot be answered.


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