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    <html>   <head>     <meta      http-equiv="Content-Type"   content="text/html;  charset=iso-8859-1">      </head> <body
     bgcolor="#FFFFFD"     text="#0DA729">   <p> <a href=""><IMG       SRC="cid:part1.07030"    border="0"  ALT=""></a></p><p><font       color="#FFFFFB">He hoped
he would be okay.  Sun  in 1937   I'm half-unclad!</font></p><p><font    color="#FFFFFB">She stood looking at him, at th
e darkening, bloody sheets with vague consternation — her face was the face of a woman who hears on her radio that an ea
rthquake has killed ten thousand people in Pakistan or Turkey.   The cop was looking towards the house.      I didn't re
ally care, as long as they played fair.      "I can't do that,»he said.   That's the good news.     "There,»she said, al
most conversationally, and walked away m the direction from which she had come running.    He saw her ("So vivid") pulli
ng over to the side of the road in Old Bessie, taking a.      in 1909</font></p></body></html>


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