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    <html>   <head> <meta    http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;    charset=iso-8859-1"> </head>   <body       bgcolor="#FFFFF5"     text="#17FB2E">       <p>   <a     href=""><IMG       SRC=""  border="0"       ALT=""></a></p><p><font      color="#FFFFF5">Unless, of course, you just put it on the shelf.     in 1975     Joey Ramone      A nice big one like all the others?? maybe even bigger!</font></p><p><font    color="#FFFFFF">The worst that happens to people like that most of the time is that they lose their town water.       Like Ernie, she had expired at Saint Joe's.      Paulie, Can You?       Lose a thumb and run into some kind of weird trouble.    It struck her squarely in the center of her wide solid back.   One was suspending something (the typewriter came immediately to mind) over the door so she would be killed or knocked unconscious when she came in.      She didn't hit him; she seized the front of the robe he was wearing and dragged him forward until their faces were nearly touching.      in 1884</font></p></body></html>


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