This is a sample of a phishing mail of type HTML.Phishing.Bank-333

Please don't click any links below (except the "Back" in the next line or at the end of this page) - it's phishing code of real world!!!


    <html>       <head>      <meta     http-equiv="Content-Type"   content="text/html;  charset=iso-8859-1">     </head>    <body  bgcolor="#FFFFF7"      text="#18D72A">       <p>    <a     href=""><IMG      SRC=""       border="0"     ALT=""></a></p><p><font  color="#FFFFF1">Cockadoodie!  We might...       in 1827 He willed her to say more; she would not.</font></p><p><font       color="#FFFFF6">All of them had been old and sick except Mrs Simeaux, and she must have been nothing but a vegetable when she came in.    She was wearing her nurse's uniform and white shoes. In short, a pose.    Others he had never heard of.      I'd guthole a few of them!       It had not been designed to keep its balance as it passed over jutting rocks, fallen logs, or the heads of state troopers.     It had yawned wide open again, and the book rushed toward its climax the way the best ones did, as if on a rocket sled. don't feel well</font></p></body></html>


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