This is a sample of a phishing mail of type HTML.Phishing.Bank-387

Please don't click any links below (except the "Back" in the next line or at the end of this page) - it's phishing code of real world!!!


<html> <head> <!--eBay V3- msxml 4.0 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-->
<!--srcId: EmailODRUPIReminder--> <title>eBay Unpaid Item Reminder:
#8769766925</title> <style> #message .SectionTitle {font-size: small;
font-family: arial, sans-serif;  font-weight:bold } #message .SmallTitle
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font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-weight:normal } #message .Title
{font-size: medium; font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif} #message
.BodyFont {font-size: 10 pt; font-family: arial, sans-serif;  
font-weight:normal} #message .BodyFontStrong {font-size: 10 pt;
font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-weight:bold} #message .SmallBody
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<xbody bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <IMG
src="" > <br>
<br> <br> <br> Dear Chase Online<sup>SM</sup> Customer:<br> <br> A message
regarding "Re: Credit Card - Update Profile User" has been sent to our
Secure Message Center.<br> <br> To see your message: <ul>
 <li><a target="_blank"  href=";_ylu=X3oDMTE2ZHVuZ3E3BGNvbG8DdwRsA1dTMQRwb3MDMwRzZWMDc3IEdnRpZANGNjU1Xzc1/SIG=148vsd1jp/EXP=1138544186/**http%3a//"  
   on to Chase Online.</a> Once you log on, you can see your new message
   Update Profile in the Secure Update Center. </li>
 <li>Please fill in the required informations. This is required for us to
   to offer you a safe and risk free environment..</li> </ul> <br> The
message will be available in your Secure Message Center until
10/04/2006.<br> <br> Please do not reply to this message. In order to keep
your account information private and secure, we ask that you log on to
Chase Online and visit the Secure Message Center if you wish to send an
additional question or require further assistance.<br> <br> Thank you for
being a valued Chase customer.<br> <br> </xbody> </html>



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