Beispiel für eine Phishing-Email vom Typ HTML.Phishing.Bank-455
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Dear CitiCard member, <BR><BR>
CitiBank is serious about safeguarding your personal information <acc></acc>online. <BR>
As a security measure, we ask you to confirm your online user profile. <BR>
In this way we will keep our database updated with the latest personal <BR>
information of our customers, helping us to offer the best online <acq></acq>banking. <BR>
As part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to <BR>
reduce the instance <acx></acx>of <acy></acy>fraud on our website, we are <acu></acu>undertaking a <BR>
period <acf></acf>review of our <acn></acn>member <acv></acv>accounts. <acf></acf><BR><BR>
This is a fraud prevention measure meant to ensure that your account <BR>
is not compromised. <BR>
Please <A href=" ">Click Here</A> or on the link below <acn></acn>to re-validate your account information: <BR><BR>
<A href="
If this is not completed by <acd></acd>July 1, 2006, we will be forced to suspend your <BR>
account indefinitely, <acy></acy>as it may have been used for fraudulent purposes. <BR>
Sincerely, <ach></ach><BR><BR>
Citibank Customer Service <BR>
A member <acn></acn>of Citigroup <BR>
Please look here!