This is a sample of a phishing mail of type HTML.Phishing.Bank-548

Please don't click any links below (except the "Back" in the next line or at the end of this page) - it's phishing code of real world!!!


    <FONT face=Verdana size=1><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dear TDECU  member,<DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp;&nbsp; You have been chosen by our online department <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to take part in 
 this quick and easy 5 question survey.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In return we will credit $20 to your account - Just for your time! <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Helping us better understand how our customers feel benefits everyone.
<FONT color=#003399></FONT>&nbsp;
<DIV><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; With the information collected we can decide to direct a number of changes<br> &nbsp;&nbsp; to improve and expand 
 our online services.
<DIV><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; We kindly ask you to spare two minutes of your time<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; in taking part with this unique offer!

<DIV><FONT color=#003399></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; SERVICE: <b>TDECU Online® $20 Reward Survey</b><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; EXPIRATION: 
   <b>July - &nbsp;29 - 2006</b>
<DIV><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a target="_blank"  href=";start=4&amp;q="><FONT color=#003399>Confirm Now</FONT></a>&nbsp;</b>your
   <b>$20 Reward Survey</b> with <b>TDECU® Reward</b> services.<BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

<DIV>&nbsp;&nbsp; The information you provide us is all non-sensitive and anonymous<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; No part of it is handed down to any third party groups.
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It will be stored in our secure database for maximum of 3 days while we process<br>  &nbsp;&nbsp;  the results of this nationwide survey.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<DIV>&nbsp;&nbsp; Please do not reply to this message. For any inquiries, contact Customer Service.</DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp;&nbsp; Document Reference: (GX4937FJJAH242XI3).<br><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; © 2005 - 2009, Texas Dow Employees Credit Union


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