This is a sample of a phishing mail of type HTML.Phishing.Pay-129

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    <FONT face="Courier New" size=2><strong>Thursday, May 20, 2006</strong><BR><BR>Resolution Center:<strong>
Your account is limited.</strong> <BR><BR><BR>PayPal is constantly working to ensure security by regularly
screening<BR>the accounts in our system. We&nbsp;recently reviewed your account, and
we<BR>need more information to help us provide you with secure
service.&nbsp;Untill<BR>we can collect this information, your access to sensitive
account features<BR>will be limited. We would like to restore your access as soon as
possible,<BR>and we apologize for the inconvenience.<BR>&nbsp;<BR>This is done for your
protection only you, the recipient of this email can<BR>take the next step in
the&nbsp;remove limitation&nbsp;process. <BR><BR><SPAN class=emphasis><strong>Why is my account
access limited?</strong></SPAN><BR><BR><SPAN class=emphasis>
</SPAN>We have reason to believe that your account was accessed by<BR>a third party. Because protecting the
security of your account is our primary<BR>concern, we have limited access to sensitive
PayPal account features.<BR>We understand that this may be an inconvenience but please
understand that<BR>this temporary limitation is for your protection.<BR><BR><SPAN class=emphasis><strong>How can I restore my
account access?</strong></SPAN><BR><BR><SPAN class=emphasis>Please visit the <a href=""><FONT color=#003399><strong>Resolution Center</strong></FONT></a> and complete the <BR>"Steps to Remove
Limitations before <strong>May 22, 2006</strong>"</SPAN><BR><BR>Completing all of the checklist items will automatically
restore your <BR>account access.<BR><BR>Thank you for using PayPal!<BR>The PayPal
Team<BR><BR>------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR>Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and
<BR>you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal <BR>account
and click the Help link located in the top right corner of any <BR>PayPal
page.<BR><BR><strong>Copyright © 1999-2006 PayPal. All rights reserved.</strong><BR></FONT>


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