This is a sample of a phishing mail of type HTML.Phishing.Pay-157

Please don't click any links below (except the "Back" in the next line or at the end of this page) - it's phishing code of real world!!!


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 <title>No hidden loan costs</title>
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<table align=center border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=600><tr valign=top><td><a href="http://"><img src="" border=0 alt=PayPal></a></td></tr></table><table align=center border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="100%"><tr><td background="" width="100%"><img src="" width=1 alt="" border=0 height=29 ></td></tr><tr><td><img src="" width=1 alt="" border=0 height=10 ></td></tr></table>
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<span class=heading>Update Your Information<br>
<hr class=dotted><p>It has come to our attention that your PayPal billing information are out of date. This require you to update billing information as soon as possible.<br>
   This billing update is also a new PayPal security statement which goes according to the established norms on our terms of service (TOS) to reduce the instance of fraud on our website.<br>

         Please update your records on or before <strong>June 30, 2006</strong>.</p>
<p>To update your PayPal records click on the following link:<br>
   <a href=""><table><tr><td>
   <a href="">
<p>This new security statement will helps us continue to offer PayPal as a secure and cost-effective payment service. We appreciate your cooperation and assistance.<br>
<p><center><b>To securely confirm your PayPal Information please click on the link below:</b></center></p>
<p><center><a href=''></a></center></p><br>
<p>Sincerely,<br>The PayPal Team</p>
<hr class=dotted>

<span class=xptFooter><small>Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, <a href="">log in </a> to your PayPal account and choose the Help link located in the top right corner of any PayPal page. <br>
</span><span class=xptFooter>PayPal Email ID PP295</span></small></td>



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